Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies, illustration and contemporary fine art

Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies,  illustration and contemporary fine art
Exploring Fine Art and Illustration while bunnies romp and fly

Friday, August 7, 2015

ART Opening Tonight!!!!

Bainbridge Art Walk features Pets on Parade and Live music!
The exhibit will be on view throughout the month at the Island Gallery so stop in anytime./http://www.theislandgallery-artblog.blogspot.com/

The Island Gallery - Art Blog
pets e-card 6.jpg

400 Winslow Way E., #120
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Help our local wildlife!
A West Sound Wildlife Shelter donation box will be available
in the Gallery through the show’s run.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @islandgalleryBI

Underground Parking Available at The Winslow off Ericksen Avenue

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