Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies, illustration and contemporary fine art

Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies,  illustration and contemporary fine art
Exploring Fine Art and Illustration while bunnies romp and fly

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rainforest Portratis -and- Poodle Pictures!

Acrylic on Canvas

Tree Kangaroo
4 x 4"

Lemur Dancing

4 x 6"

Hooded Lemur
4 x 4"

ARtwalk this Saturday, August 6, 5-8 Pm at Artisans On Taylor fun affordable paintings on view through August, 2011

Finally, art for the small space!

and this series is available online at Artisans On Taylor.com
where you will find the complete selection of fun and poignant art!

Washington Wiilderness Coalition Helps Save Forests!

Support Washington Wilderness Coalition !!!!!When you purchase any of my Rainforest Series Paintings through my website, I donate 5% of my sales to the Washington Wilderness Coalition. To make a purchase, contact me through my website at www.andreaklawson.com

Thank you from the Rain forest!
Mention my blog for the donation