Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies, illustration and contemporary fine art

Welcome to my blog! My world of flying bunnies,  illustration and contemporary fine art
Exploring Fine Art and Illustration while bunnies romp and fly

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Paintings Art Opening July 3 Artisans On Taylor, Undertown!

Please join me at The Undertown for a lively art opening July3, 5-8 pm, celtic, zydeco and cajun music with the Alternators until 10 pm at The Undertown, 211 Taylor St. Port Townsend, Washington.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Art Classes With Andrea!

Sign up Now for Art Classes! Youth and Adults are Welcome! Located in Port Townsend, Port Hadlock. Washington. Landscape Painting en plein air in Jefferson County!
Drawing classes for all ages, Wednesdays 4-5:30 PM.
Contact Andrea for details!